Tuesday, October 21, 2008

iPhone Crazy

So this blog was of course inspired by the iPhone.  Anyone who knows me knows I like cool stuff, and i really do like cutting edge technology.  The problem is where do you draw the line.  It's like  that one thing you want really bad but know you shouldn't get it BUT you know if you get it you'll be so much happier.  Maybe for ladies a pair of shoes...I'm sure when you buy it you say "What the hell did I just do", but when you're wearing it, and someone says "Nice shoes", you feel like it was worth it.

Well here is my iPhone dilemma.  It kinda is almost within my means, but just ALMOST.  The problem is that I just can't stop fantasizing about it.  I want to get it out of my head, but then that glimmering Boylston Street store sucks me in and i go in and play with it.  Advertising is a bitch, because it's really screwing with my mind.  The worse part is that everyone who buys one is like a walking add, and then they make me want it more.  Maybe I should only talk to people who don't own iPhones.  That may be a start.  Then we can find a way to get rid of the Apple store (I was gonna say the B word but I may have American persons who read this and report me to the CIA.  In my home country we can say the B word without men the size of quarterbacks running out of nowhere to sack you to the floor).  The B thing is just a joke i swear.  The point is I need i-Therapy, and unfortunately this will only come in the form of buying an iPhone, or removing it from my mind's eye.

I mean this clearly is now an obsession since it has reached blog phase.  I only blog when something is on my mind.  Damn i just saw someone else playing with one. Arrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggh.  Am i being drawn into this materialistic world...nah.  I woulda wanted an iPhone wherever the hell I was.  So i guess it's time to look into doing some extra hours at work to find a way to pay that extra money on ma phone bill.  We'll see.  I'll keep you posted on the iPhone situation.  This is way too funny.  I shoulda created that "Contribute $2 to Mario's iPhone Group" before my birthday.  Now I may have to wait till Xmas.  But dats just so damn ghetto, but clearly i'm desperate right.  Peace.

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