Friday, February 16, 2007


Just incase you forgot what I look like...

My hair is growing higher as is my knowledge,

My smile wider, with gratitude for what the creator has given me,

My memory longer, not to forget the many who have inspired me,

My soul deeper, to contain the overflow of my spirit,

My patience thicker, to withstand the wear and tear of life,

My complexion lighter, with the absence of the sun, but my heart filled with the pride of my country...JAMAICA, my land, my love.

My voice clearer to be more easily heard, but not loud enough to be overbearing,

My faith renewed to continue to believe in all, that so long I haven't seen,


My legs stronger, to carry the weight of these many growing dimensions which develop me...

Just incase you forgot what I look like.

Inspired by life. Written 10:27pm by Mario Guthrie on 15/02/07

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