I believe in God and the religion Christianity, but sometimes we only have occasional encounters of Angels helping us in the flesh.
Something just happened to me, which in all my 27 years has never ever happened with the ease that it did. It showed me that it could only have been God directly acting at that moment. I had to run to the PC and document it by blogging, and of course sharing the experience with my friends and the world
What happened was that i went to pick up my component set at Radio Shack. Of course I'm a student in Boston...i don't drive. No one on my floor was really around for me to ask for help, and heah, i carried back the initial one i bought by myself on my hip (in it's box of course)...so this couldn't be that hard, right?
Well when the box was being carried out by the rep, already it was about twice the size of the initial box. I estimated about 30 mash pounds. He somehow got it into a large plastic bag, but the handles were already stretching from the weight of the thing. Well i got the box out the door of the store for starters....Bwoy the journey looked tretcherous, plus ice on the ground. Di mount a time mi almost bruk up mi bam bam with nothing in mi hand, much less mi 30 mash pond appendage.
My journey was only a few steps when i already had to take a break, so i knew this was going to be rough. Walk, muscle pain, rest...and di muscle pain did even worse cah mi go gym dis morning. Whoa wha mi ago do! I make it across the road and rest the box on the steps of an apartment. Then comes a bright-eyed female, who was actually about to enter that apartment, and saw me struggling. She first asks if i'm going inside, and i say no. She then immediately asks if i need help to carry the box to where i'm going.
Now she doesn't know me number 1. Number 2, i'm not the racial chip on the shoulder type, but she's a white female and me a black male. Number 3, She nuh know how far she a go. Well i accept the offer, but in the initially refusing kinda way. She tells me her name is Brittany. She speaks of her love for God and Jesus, and that she's a Christian. She has even been to Jamaica to do missionary work, and had been there for vacation as well. This must have been an angel! There is no possible way that me a stranger in Boston could have met another person who helped me to carry a 30 mash pound box when i was really in need of the help.
She carried it with me right to the front door of the dorm and i thanks her endlessly. God if you were showing me a sign, i saw it. I was almost blinded by it. I think this moment will stay with me for a while.
In a world perceived as being so selfish. One person was absolutely selfless, and seem so fearless and genuine about it. I am blown away. The box remains at the door unopened because it was definitely more important for me to acknowledge her than to see how the system works. And on that not i hope it works, cuz i won't have Brittany to carry it back if it's faulty. LOL.
But on the real though, I say a prayer of thanks to my Lord. I am grateful for all you have provided and continue to provide. I hope others have these same moments that allow them to see your grace. I am awed! Thank you. Amen.
Mario I can def. identify on this experience.God always sends amazing people into your life when you need them most.
It is always a beautiful and touching thing when one is surprised by encounters like that one.
Its funny...a friend of mine in the UK...a talented sister i met down so in october.....wrote a song called Angel LAdy.....it's about a lady she met on the bus one day it was raining in london....her experience was very similar to yours.....
Maybe you should write something about that too... ;-)
Thanx for sharing! I was talking to God today and telling Him that despite all that is said we still want bigger signs from Him. Then I decide to read your blog first instead of in order as I usually do and see your entry .....
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