Sunday, November 05, 2006

Heah I'm Doctor!

It's real funny how sometimes u spend so much of your life training to do something, then you achieve it, then you have to pinch yourself and remind yourself that you actually did.

Occasionally i have these moments where i have to say "Heah you're really a Doctor". You know those times when people actually call you first when they have a problem, because they either one just need a doctor, or two genuinely feel you can make a valid contribution. And i appreciate that persons respect what i do, and that they think i am of sound mind to give them good advice...thanks.

The sad irony about being a doctor is that there are times when you hear comical things, times when things concern the hell out of you, and since we really are human...times when you wish you weren't being bothered. The 3 experiences do come with the territory though, so at the end of the day you must be professional so that no one really can decern which place you're at.

Again i leave this aspect of wow i'm a doctor for sake i become unethical and say things i regret. Medicine is a noble and humbling profession. I have no regrets that i did it, though there are other passions in life i wish to pursue. Dats for another blog tho, which will be coming to you before the end of the year (All who know anyting keep yu mouth shut). But i'm really a doctor and i'm grateful i can contribute to persons lives on a day to day, especially with the amount of respect i'm given i think i owe it to them. It's God's work through out hands.

Whatever you do in life, do it to the best of your ability, whether you like it or not. All your actions ultimately affect someone else, so execute them with alacrity and conscience. Think of what you would want if you were in their shoes and do all that you can do in your capacity to help them. God Bless.

1 comment:

Bashmentbasses said...

Humbling is right.

I look forward to the day when I dun wid dese exams and just have time to sit with patients and see how I can be of assistance. That's why I took up dis crosses medicine on my head!