Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Beauty of a Child

It bothers me that there are persons who don't like children, who mistreat and abuse them, who have no interest in educating and bettering them.

I work wid children daily, and have never been happier to do so. They inspire me more than they would ever know...and they make me sick at least once a month. They lack wisdom and maturity, but possess traits that many of us as adults yourn to regain or even gain, so as brutal honesty, appreciation of life and beauty in it's most simple form - an inanimate object can become alive in the imagination of a child. Illness is black or white, sick or well, for them. Very little grey or all that strange adult stuff like depression to cloud things up. And even when at their worst, there is often still a jolt of joy in them, as if oblivious to their poorly state.

Today again a kid made my day, as they often do. I visited the ward to check up on the progress of some kids I had admitted. I stood by the bed of a child whom I hadn't even looked on closely or ever met before. He played with my hand and said "Pencil", and I responded..."finger". I then noticed a large surgical scar over his head, an absent right eye and a clearly non-functional left eye. This kid that didn't know me continued to explore me the curious bedstander. He then said "Want to go drive", which he repeated about 30 secs after. He seemed to like the concept of driving. I figured this was something pleasurable for him when he could see. The child had a tumour called a retinoblastoma, a cancer of the eye, which is seen more often in children. He then rested his head on my shoulder and basically hugged me. I felt like someone's dad for jus a fraction of a minute. In that fraction i experienced many emotions of my own, as well as some that i imagined he might have been having. For instance his..."I want to be driving". And i was thinking..."This is what it feels like to be wanted and depended on". For him..."Can we go drive?". For me..."This kid has advanced cancer. Will he live for long? Why does this stuff happen to kids?", and for him..."Someone came by today and visited me"

The moral of this blog is that there are so many dimensions to this life and so much to be grateful for. So when next sweatin' the small stuff, remember that there is a small kid dats blind, but still happy, or there's a kid being abused and is afraid to tell. So thank you Lord for my eyes and all that you have given me and allowed me to see and learn.

This is a little insight on how I think, and how a fraction of a minute worth of interation can have a lifetime worth of effect. I'll never forget this kid. Matter a fact i think i'm gonna go visit him again soon. I'll give you an update. Peace. Walk good.


Peter said...

Dear Mario:

I just want to compliment you on your blog. Children are important and most times they are taken for granted. All of us need to remember the innocense that we have lost (through adulthood) and try too look at life in the eyes of a child.


Nunya said...

True words man....
As a father...i can tell you...they're few things that feel better that my daughter huggin me and resting her head on my shoulders...

I definitely here you on the being gratefull and not sweating the small things...That's something I need to work on myself...