Saturday, May 05, 2007


Hey all, it's been such a long while hasn't it. Seem like the novelty of the good ole blog vent wore off on me. But that's not really the truth. Just working hard on developing my self-expression musically as well.

For the first time in my life i've felt like i woke up in a nightmare, but was really really awake. The call that my brother was in an accident was like no other. I felt like when twins say they feel the pain of their sibling when they are hurt. I wasn't even at home when i heard, and i had no details. Palpitations, mind-wondering, instincts tell you to go home...but where is home. It's a dorm right now...But that's not really home? Autopilot takes me to my pseudo-destination. What to do? What can i do? Worry. Pray. Doesn't make sense to cry cuz i don't know what's happening.

I tell yu people, this moment is likely to happen to all of us at some point in our life. Some have been unfortunate to have it happen many times. Others like myself have only had a few, and we thank God that they all have good endings, like this one will.

We mourn the lives lost in this tragic accident and pray that their families are ok. I would love to know who they are personally so i could send them my well wishes or even attend the memorial services. I thank God that my brother is alive and improving. This will be a new start for him, and i am so ready to help him on his way to recovery.

The frailty of life is only a millisecond away from us all, but we are not always aware of that millisecond, until it's on a clock that we can see. Live your lives to the fullest, and in a holy and righteous way. We have no other purpose but to help others and serve our Father. Thank you for all the support. I know the love that is had for my family, and likewise the love i have for you all. Thanks. Peace. See you soon.