Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh is the noise you make in your mind or literally make when you're frustrated. Today was an arrrrrrggggh day. The funny things about arrrrrrrrgggggh days is dat nobody may even know you're having one. Today as i thought the stress would never end, it jus kept acruing...kinda like credit card interest that's notpaid on time. But God as usual goves you the strength to pull through.
And the worse is the pain of learning. I did things today that i was proud of cus i had never done them before but at the same time made mistakes that i would have to feel embarrassed about. Really there was nothing to be embarrased about because mistakes are a part of life and actually how we learn not to make em again. But u can't help but feelin a lil''s jus that part of us that wants to be perfect and never screw up.
So to all a you blog readers. Arrrrrrrrggggh...i'm tired, i'm human, i make mistakes and sometimes i'm not pleasant, not kind and don't want to be around anyone. Big ups to anyone else who had an arrrrrrgggggggghhh day, and i hope tomorrow is not a repeat of today's arrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!